草东没有派对 2018《如常》巡回

  • 2018/07/22(周日) 20:00(+0800) ~ 21:30(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • Esplanade Annexe Studio / 1 Esplanade Drive, Singapore 038981
  • 石皮有限公司、KKBOX SG



Same old liquor, same old sea.
Same old story, same old dream.
The waters came and went, bringing us together again.
Change may come with time, yet our voices remain the same.

Currently formed by Wood Lin (vocals/guitar), Chu Chu (vocals/guitar), Sam Yang (vocals/bass) and Fan Tsai (drums), No Party 
For Cao Dong (NPCD) broke into Taiwan’s indie rock scene in 2015. 
In February 2016, they dropped their debut album—The Servile—a record of grief, love, justice and helplessness that was felt 
among a generation of Taiwan’s youth, playing over rebellious electric guitars and sardonic disco grunge.
Their music forms a mirror of the punk-grunge spirit they embody.

Within a month, 8 shows in 7 cities on the album’s supporting tour were sold out. 
Their first ever international tour—Surging, Winter MMXVI Tour—ended on a successful note as they conquered 17 cities across the 
US, Taiwan and China with 18 sold-out shows.
The Servile sold 16,000+ physical albums and was streamed over 7 million times on Spotify by mid-2017.


节目信息 Concert Details

演出日期:2018/7/22 (Sun)


※ 演出当天预计18:30票和整19:00放入场。

※ On the event day, expected queue time and ticket checking will happen at 18:30. Door opens at 19:00.

※ 现场依18:30序入,非子票上的序,敬留意!

※ Please note that admission into the event hall is based on the queue sequence instead of e-ticket number.

演出地点:Esplanade Annexe Studio

演出地址:1 Esplanade Drive, Singapore 038981

启售时间:2018/5/25 (五) 21:00


票  价:Early bird SGD 45 / At the door SGD 55 (Free Standing)


Tickets of the show were all sold out, also At the door tickets are not available on July 22nd.

※ 票价已含GST

All charges inclusive the GST

主办单位:石皮有限公司、KKBOX International Limited Singapore Branch  


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  1. 本活动网站购票仅接受会员购买,购票前请先加入会员,以便开卖当日进行购票流程,建议可于会员"设定"中的"报名预填资料"先行存档「姓名」和「手机」,可减少购票时间快速进行下一步。
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  5. 本活动仅接受信用卡(VISA/MASTER)付款。
  6. 購票完成后,您可前往 App StoreGoogle Play 下载KKTIX app,入场时以行动装置秀出QR Code;或直接列印QR Code 作为入场票券扫描入场。
  7. 电子票券 QRCode 在哪里?该如何使用?详情 请点选此处



  1. 本活动恕不接受退换票,购买前请务必详加考量避免事后争议。
  2. 本演出现场会摄、录像,亦可能拍摄到现场观众。
  3. 购买预售票会赠送KKBOX 60天体验会员序号将在完成付款后随电邮发送此序号,只适用于全新用户或本身以单次型方案购买KKBOX之用户,60天体验会员序号并无开通时间限制。每月自动扣款或经电讯公司所登记的帐号恕不适用。
  4. 一人一票凭票入场,六岁以下不得入,本票不得转售或兑换现金。
  5. 电子票券为无记名票券,请勿将票券QR Code任意公开或提供给第三人,以防遭人冒领入场
  6. 馆内全面禁烟且禁带外食饮料及危险物品入场。
  7. 本活动未经同意,禁止拍照、录影及录音。
  8. 主办单位保有取消、终止、修改或暂停相关演出内容等权利。
  9. 本活动所收集之资料,包括:姓名丶电话丶E-mail及住址等资讯,仅供主办单位做为活动公告丶後续处理丶联络及纪录等行销目的使用,并不做其他用途,亦不会分享予第三人供其用於行销目的使用。
Esplanade Annexe Studio / 1 Esplanade Drive, Singapore 038981


票種 販售時間 售價

2018/05/25 21:00(+0800) ~ 2018/07/21 23:59(+0800)
  • SGD$45.00